Volunteer Resources

Welcome, MABVI Volunteers!

We created this new section to engage, communicate, and support you. You will find information about upcoming MABVI events, opportunities to support MABVI through one-time volunteer projects and financial support, and ongoing training topics to complement your initial volunteer training. We want this to be your space, so please let us know if there are additional topics that you would like us to include. Thank you for volunteering with MABVI and for supporting our program participants.

The Vision of the MABVI volunteer department is to create a mutually a beneficial relationship and an environment that is aware and engaged through communication about vision loss. We strive to have an accessible, agile and flexible volunteer base, provide efficient training to our volunteers, and make sure all participants who are empowered and confident.

MABVI volunteers, participants, and staff smiling on Zoom

New to the program or still have questions?

Read these program FAQs


The next MABVI volunteer Think Tank will be happening April 2024. Exact date, time and zoom information will be posted as we get closer.

Notes from the Recent MABVI Volunteer Think Tank (January 2024):
Are there any websites for devices that are available for their clients? There isn’t one specific website, but on our consumer resource list posted on this page (the volunteer resource page), there lists a number of websites that can be helpful. Consumers should always do research and get training before purchasing a large item.

There was some discussion on when to or when not to get involved regarding finances with consumers. It was reiterated that volunteers should not speak on the phone on the consumer’s behalf or give any financial advice. Sometimes it can feel strange that there are family members present in the consumer’s home, and the question arises as to “why is a volunteer and not a family member assisting the consumer?” This is not for us to say or judge. While it can be difficult, we need to remember that the consumer might not want a family member to get involved, or they might have always done their own finances before they lost their vision, and want to keep it private. Or they simply don’t want to ask them. Whatever the reason, we want to respect the person’s wishes and do what we can to assist them within the purview of the program as it relates to reading/writing checks/clerical. That is all we can offer.

Many consumers ask their volunteer for help with Assistive Technology (AT). We do not train volunteers to use AT, as it is extremely hard for a sighted person to learn. However MABVI does offer AT training for consumers. If it is AT that the consumer needs, meaning they would like to learn for themselves, you can tell them to call the main MABVI number and we will make a referral to our AT program.

There was a discussion about what to do when a volunteer might need to go away for a few months, or an extended period of time and if other volunteers can “cover” for them. Unfortunately, MABVI cannot offer this because we cannot do it for everyone. We have a large waitlist of consumers, and we can only provide one to one assistance. It would be impossible to coordinate the coverage for every consumer who needed a one time volunteer, or a short term fill-in. Consumers can always reach out to MABVI if they are really in need, but we often encourage consumer that while it might not be ideal, they need to use the resources they used before they had a volunteer.

It’s February!

MABVI volunteers will receive a MAB Community Valentine’s Day card in the mail- so keep an eye out for that!

Heartfelt Thank Yous from Your Matches!

The MABVI Volunteer Department’s COVID Notice

Last Updated 1/3/2024

We respect the rights of all volunteers and participants and make every effort to match each person according to their preferences. We no longer ask for COVID vaccination status from the consumer or volunteer. However, if a consumer or volunteer has a preference for someone who is vaccinated, or to wear a mask in the other’s presence, then we will be sure to honor that request and therefore may need to ask on behalf of the preferred party.  We maintain strict confidentiality and respect your privacy.

We want all who are involved with the volunteer program to be comfortable. Please respect one another’s preferences about social distancing and wearing masks.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to volunteer@mabcommunity.org.


Calling your match for the first time?

MABVI Volunteer First Phone Call Script

Person smiling and talking on the phone

Interested in learning more about resources available to your match?

Check out  Resources for MABVI Consumers!

Blue Paper People Holding Hands in a Circle









Need a refresher on the volunteer trainings?

image of title slide of "MABVI 1:1 Volunteer Training"






MABVI 1:1 Volunteer Training

image of title slide of "Understanding Causes of Blindness and Low Vision" training






Understanding Causes of Blindness and Low Vision

image of title slide of "Orientation and Mobility" Training"






Orientation and Mobility

image of title slide of "How to be a Successful Volunteer" training

How to be a Successful Volunteer

Additional Trainings

image of title slide of "Successful Boundary Setting" training

Successful Boundary Setting

Access Technology Training (recording of training held on April 15th 2021)

Volunteer Handbook Updated 10.20.23

image of cover of volunteer handbook

Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III

Appendix IV





Interested in learning more about the blindness community?

Common Access Tech and Devices Your Match May Use

Eye Diseases and Causes of Vision Loss

History and Advocacy

Other Ways to Support MABVI

Piece of paper on a desk with the words Donate, Charity, help volunteer

There are many ways to support MABVI.

  1. You can make a gift via our secure online form.
  2. You can support specific programs, create a Facebook Fundraiser for your birthday.
  3. Set up recurring donations as a Monthly Sustainer
  4. Donate using your donor-advised fund, create a lasting legacy
  5. Support MABVI  just by shopping at Amazon
  6. Tell your network about your MABVI volunteer experience
  7. Ask your employer if they match volunteer hours with donations
  8. Here are some more ways to support MABVI


  • "The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves."
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