Access Tech
MABVI’s Access Technology Training help blind or visually impaired people learn to use technology that helps them do what they want. Access technology includes apps and devices that help individuals with disabilities complete tasks and increase independence. Assistive technology opens access to:
- Printed and digital text
- Healthcare information & tools
- Financial information & banking
- Apps for daily living
- Transportation & navigation services
- Social connectedness and communication
MABVI’s skilled staff and tech-savvy volunteer trainers serve as peer supports and role models to demonstrate how tech can improve the quality of life for individuals with vision loss.
MABVI offers Access Technology Training at partner locations in Boston, Brookline, Fitchburg, Franklin, Cape Cod, Natick, Watertown, Worcester, Salem, and Springfield.
Full sites are open two days (10-12 hours) per week with a staff coordinator. Click here for locations and hours for each center.
Remote Access Tech Trainings:
Day: Thursdays
Time: 10:00am-11:00am
Contact: Jerry Feliz for more information; email:
Contact us for an access technology assessment and ask how we can help you. To find a program near you or to become a volunteer trainer for this program, please get in touch with us toll-free at 888-613-2777 or email us at
Would you like to teach your access technology skills to others? We’re recruiting peer volunteer trainers.
Access Tech services are now available for Spanish and Portuguese-speaking individuals.
See more details in these downloadable PDFs in English , en Español, or em Português
Listen to Jerry Feliz’s interview on Increasing Independence with Assistive Technology.
Jerry Feliz, MABVI’s director of Access Technology, discusses using a screen reader and apps visually disabled individuals can use to help with daily activities.
See our access technology Resources Section for links to other local technology resources.
Jerry Feliz, Director of MABVI’s Access Technology & Training Program, interviews Gary Bartos, founder of
Echobatix an assistive technology company.
Special Thanks to Past and Present Investors
MABVI’s Access Technology Training Program was launched in 2017 with seed funding from the Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging. Ongoing services have been made possible through funding from numerous partners, including but not limited to: Brookline Community Foundation, The Boston Foundation, Consumer Technology Association Foundation, Cognex Corporation, Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual Charitable Trust, The Ellenbogen Family, the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, Ezra Cutting Trust, The Fletcher Foundation, Hamilton Company, Heathcote Charitable Trust, Liberty Mutual Foundation, Marshall Home Fund, Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, MathWorks, MEDITECH, MetroWest Health Foundation, Memorial Foundation for the Blind, Million Dollar Round Table, MutualOne Foundation, Nutter, Spectrum Digital Education Program, the Town of Franklin/CHNA 6, and others.
Participants at the Brookline Assistive Technology and Training Center bid a fond farewell and express their gratitude to Rachel Castle, Assistive Technology Coordinator.
Listen to an interview with Access Technology Director Jerry Feliz on Valley Eye Radio.
Jerry Feliz, Director of MABVI’s Access Technology program, chats with Patrick Olsen, the New England Director of Accessible Pharmacy Services, about their comprehensive home delivery service specializing in the needs of individuals who are blind or low-vision. Patrick was joined by Alexandra Luzier from the Mid-Atlantic division as well as the pharmacy’s founder Dr. Alex Cohen, Ph.D.
What has MABVI’s Access Technology Program Meant for Our Clients During Covid-19?
We asked participants in MABVI’s Access Technology program what the program has meant to them while being isolated during the Covid-19 crisis. Their response reflects the importance of social connection and technology’s role in making that happen.
MABVI’s Access Technology Centers are offering Zoom virtual training courses. We will have a Voiceover Basics Class on Fridays at 10:00 am, Basics of Zoom meetings on Thursdays at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm if needed, and HTML & Web design on Mondays at 10:00 am. For more information on how to join these classes, contact Access Tech Center Director, Jerry Feliz
As part of our ongoing series, MABVI’s Access Technolgy and Occupational Therapists also provide informative videos on assistive devices or access technology to complete daily activities.
Services we provide
Volunteer Help
We were founded by volunteers and today hundreds serve across the state. Volunteers can read mail, help with paperwork or grocery shopping, or be sighted guides for fitness and active living.
Support Groups
The best support and advice is offered by people who really know what you’re going through – people who’ve had parallel experiences. Peers with shared experiences may even be able to anticipate your questions. While adjusting to vision loss, and even after you’ve grown accustomed to the change, a peer support group is a big help
Orientation and Mobility
Training for caregivers and individuals on safe, effective travel in the community and at home.