• Exams

    MABVI makes referrals to low vision specialists throughout the state. These exams focus on how to use lighting, optical devices, and large print materials to help in your daily life.

    Woman trying on glasses, taking an eye exam
  • Rehabilitation

    MABVI’s in-home vision rehabilitation service is provided by licensed occupational therapists. This service focuses on improving household safety, healthcare management, and adaptive strategies for doing the things you want to do in life.

    Volunteer showing a blind man how to use a pill box.
  • Volunteer Help

    We were founded by volunteers and today hundreds serve across the state. Volunteers can read mail, help with paperwork or grocery shopping, or be sighted guides for fitness and active living.

  • Access Tech

    From magnification devices to smartphone apps, technology can play an enormous role in enhancing accessibility for someone who is blind or visually impaired. MABVI’s Assistive Technology Centers can help.

    An accecss tech employee showing a participant how to use an iPad
  • Support Groups

    The best support and advice is offered by people who really know what you’re going through – people who’ve had parallel experiences. Peers with shared experiences may even be able to anticipate your questions. While adjusting to vision loss, and even after you’ve grown accustomed to the change, a peer support group is a big help

    Group of seniors sitting at a table talking
  • Adjustment Counseling

    Your life changes when your vision changes. It’s normal for this to feel upsetting and difficult, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Our Adjustment Counseling program can help.

    Two women standing. The one one the left is a senior citizen with a white cane
  • Orientation and Mobility

    Training for caregivers and individuals on safe, effective travel in the community and at home.

    Man with strip shirt and white cane walking in cross walk with O & M specialist trailing

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